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' "I'd always lived in the room,"...

... he said. "I couldn't remember ever having lived in any other room." The room's walls were yellowed white plaster. It contained two pieces of furniture. One was a plain wooden chair, the other an iron bedstead painted white. The paint had chipped and flaked, revealing the black iron. The mattress on the bed was bare. Stained ticking with faded brown stripes. A single bulb dangled above the bed on a twisted length of black wire. Case could see the thick coating of dust on the bulb's upper curve. Riviera opened his eyes. "I'd been alone in the room, always." He sat on the chair, facing the bed. The blue coals still burned in the black flower on his lapel. "I don't know when I first began to dream of her," he said, "but I do remember that at first she was only a haze, a shadow." '

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flatline | 2005.06.10 07:12:46

Symetrią... przeniosła go w niebyt w obscenicznym tańcu ostrzy.

cariewna | 2005.06.09 12:47:02

A teraz jest czym? I czym byla na koncu?
Spojrzales juz przez mikroskop w tajemnicze swiaty bakteriofagow i mikrokosmosow bakterii?