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coz moge powiedziec, mam urlop od zycia, praca wypelnia mi czas i kto by pomyslal ze nawet w anglii bede dawac korki z angola :p tesknie za nia i tak naprawde nie wiem co mam napisac jakos za kazdym razem kiedy sie zbieram do napisania czegokolwiek to odkladam to na potem, na pozniej w nadziei ze slowa same przyjda, ze w koncu pekne jak banka i "wyleje" z siebie to wszystko, ale to nie nadchodzi i jakos tak ciagle pogrzebuje glebiej i glebiej moje wspomnienia bo nie opzwalaja mi oddychac. tesknie...

what can I say? i've got myself a vacation from life, work fulfills my time and who would have thought that i am tutoring english in the u.k. :p i miss he and to tell the truth i don't know what should i write each time when i get down to writing. i keep postponing it for later in hope that the words will come themselves and that they will fall into places so i can spill it all out like a bubble soap but the moment never comes and i keep burrying those feelings deeper and deeper because the won't let me breathe. i miss her...

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