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Now some literary stuff which my eyes and brain devoured and keeps a traces of it in memory blocks.I dare to claim that these aren't all reading materials in English I had pleasure to read from A to Z, because there appeared lots of other short stories, fragments of some books which were "consumed" by me, not to mention magazine articles and scientific books I had to digest through the period of my studies.However, they can't be categorized as books and that's why the following list is not so longish.
Unless I didn't omit some positions ---

Thomas Harris- Red Dragon,Hannibal,Silence of the lambs.
John Grisham-The Chamber, The Rainmaker.
A.Christie-The Carribean Mysteries, Elephants Can Remember,
Z.N.Hurston-Their Eyes Were Watching God
W.Szpilman-Tha Pianist
J.Salinger-Catcher in the Rye.
S.Bellow-Seize the Day.
O.Wilde-The picture of Dorian Gray
E.Bronte- The Wuthering Heights
J.S.F.Fitzgerald-The Great Gatsby.
Mark Twain-The Aventures of Huckleberry Finn
J.Baldwin-Giovanni's room
B.Franklin- Poor Richard's Almanach.
Michael Moore- Dude Where's my country.
If I skipped something I will include it at once.

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