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If I ruled the world Imagine that
I'd free all my sons, I love em love em baby
Black diamonds and pearls Could it be, if you could
be mine, we'd both shine
If I ruled the world Still livin for today, in
these last days and times

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another baby | 2002.08.18 16:32:52

dwochnaturkolizja | 2002.08.18 16:10:27

red sprawdze.

whoknows | 2002.08.18 16:10:05
if i could rule the world, everyone who have a gun and together of course we'd get the up in our their horse

redzilla | 2002.08.18 16:06:41
sprawdz kurtis'a blow'a one r.

by_the_way | 2002.08.18 15:34:43

:-) nice