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06:25 / 10.07.2003
Siedzac na zajeciach z matematyki sprawdzalismy to i tamto-ale hmm,,grupa prosto z nyc. Ja-naturalnie wwa-pl,,ale reszta- Jamajka represent heh, Nigerian-kind of nice, Trinidit-hmm,,Columbian- so hot, Filipino, guy from Israel but i think he is Ukrainian and nice little woman from Australia,,jejku i czego tutaj nie kochac-ok moze wynikow-ale co za processss.
Znajoma pracuje u Chanel w Maceys wiec obdarowala mnie cala masa roznosci- teraz bede piekniejsza przez pare dni.
It is kind of bizzare and it should not matter,
but this new setup works in practice.New skills are estimated before any class with my hmm,,,,
maybe obtaining different attitude will help.
I need to seduce him so so so bad-almost no controllll.On the other hand- its so unappropriate in every possible way imaginable.Stock with nedd- right.