parislondondachau // odwiedzony 7355 razy // [love|skin|by|vain nlog7 v01f beta] // n-log home
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00:16 / 16.08.2004
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am I a cutter? or ...well ...maybe I should think 'bout becomming one? after all I'm a fucking perfectionista...

k. came, stayed chill, went back home again, wrote me that he's in love with me. no hard feelings. no feelings at all.

k2. feels disappointed, and wants me to surprise him. holla boy, I'm the one to be surprised and conquered not you. is that clear? and now go and fuck you and wait for the big surprise till you gonna be old and rusty.

last weekend I did sth that carry would never do...I went into starbucks and ordered just a bottle of evian.nothing more nothing less. ha! felt kind of weird but kind of positive different as well.

have to go to the triplecity, have to go to berlin again, wanna go to zanzibar bar heaven.