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2010.07.08 04:16:15
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nowa muzyka vi:
noah and the whale
jest take cd
nazywa sie
our window

wszystko jest dlugie
21 lat a on spiewa jakby byl taki starszy starszy
i nagle
'it's the first day of spring
and my life is starting over again'

but my favourite song
but my favourite song is this slow and i am waking up with him in a small room in white sheets in camden or anywhere
maybe warsaw

'last night i slept with the stranger
regretfully lying naked
i reflct on what i've done
her leg still forced inbetween mine, sticking to my skin
stroking my chest and my hair, head resting below my chin
i'm a fox trapped in the headlgihts
and I'm waiting, for the tyres to spin over me

cos everything I love has gone away
oh, cos everything I love has gone away'

when i want to go somewhere nice and causy and when i want to feel safe
i put this cd on
and it's the spring

i love you, life

by vmk 23/08/2005 no chodz, chodz ze mna