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02:47 / 21.05.2004
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Wszystko, wszystko, absolutely everything...
00:58 / 06.05.2004
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What now?


Wiosna jest. Zauwazyles??

I'm wondering... do you remember me?
I haven't forgotten you for sho'...
Not that thinking abt u makes me feel good... it's the contrary.
But how could I forget??
How could the one I gave my heart to, make me feel so sad?
How could the one I gave my heart to break it apart??

I still remember... but it gets, it gets easier without you.

22:04 / 25.04.2004
komentarz (1)
No time at all...

cierpie na nieustanny brak czasu i niechec do robienia czegokolwiek. tak tez smetnie tu troche.. a tak w ogole to mam jeden staly projekt ktory jest dla mnie wazniejszy od tego.

08:19 / 16.04.2004
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Nareszcie sa... wspaniale. Oplacalo sie czekanie. Naprawde sie oplacalo!

It's always better than it looks like...

03:09 / 15.04.2004
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I'm still waiting...

czekam, czekam.. dzis doszlo juz nawet do tego, ze mialam zamiar wysylac e-mail i pytac co? jak? dlaczego? gdzie? powstrzymalam sie tlumaczac sobie, ze 10 dni jeszcze nie minelo, a 14 tym bardziej...

what about...?

06:06 / 11.04.2004
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Zakatarzona jestem i boli mnie jezyk. Tylko tego mi brakuje zeby mi sie cos z kolczykiem pojebalo. Fak.

You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself gavotte
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner, and

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?

You had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee, and

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you?

Well, I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well, you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not, you're with
Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend, and

You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I'll bet you think this song is about you
Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

- You're so vain - Simon Carly

nie wiem dlaczego ale lubie te piosenke...

oh, You're so vain....

08:59 / 10.04.2004
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Ja to jakas dziwna i w ogole nienormalna jestem... kolejna noc zarwana :/

another day facing illusion... when will it turn into confusion?

05:39 / 09.04.2004
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Not my style?

plyta JOURNEYS BY DJ SUPREME BEING OF LEISURE 'CINNAMON' przemawia do mnie, oj przemawia... a ja myslalam, ze w skali od 0 do 10 techno lubie na naciagane 1.. a tu mi sie taki cos trafilo. Co jak co ale miksowac potrafi...

Supreme Beings of Leisure 'Touch Me'

no i jest dobrze...

01:05 / 07.04.2004
komentarz (1)
Cold, cold heart..

Na zewnatrz nadal zimno. (Chyba - jeszcze nie wychodzilam,0)

Wychodze... a co mi tam?? ostatecznie tylko zmarzne...

Proponowal wam kiedys ex zeby sie z nim spotkac bo on chcialby 'get some'?

Absurdalnym propozycjom beznadziejnych EX mowimy glosno i zdecydowanie NIE!

05:34 / 06.04.2004
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Nada. Zilch

Wiosny - tej dziwki - nadal nie ma. Ide spac.


18:52 / 05.04.2004
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Wczoraj rozmawialam o polityce :/

Dzisiejszy dzien zapowiada sie na jeden w stylu 'troche tego, troche tamtego...'

Ogolnie jest dobrze. Nawet slonce wyszlo zza chmur, sama nie wiem z jakiej to okazji...

Everyone has things they could live without.

21:57 / 03.04.2004
komentarz (2)
Gdzie jest ta WIOSNA? no gdzie!?!

04:21 / 03.04.2004
komentarz (5)