jeszcze toobadaj czlowieku :
- Go to the barbers and get many different hair do's, such as an afro (comb or not)
- Ride a BMX
- Learn fighting skills in the gyms
- San Andrea's three city's (not includin a desert and a countryside!) will be five times the size of vice city all together. Huugge.
- you can Pimp your ride
- You CAN drink and smoke.
- You have to eat and workout. If you eat to much you will become fat! and if you don't eat, you probs will be a skinny F***. But if your fat does not mean you at a major disadvantage, you will be more powerfull. If you work out and run a lot, you will be fast and strong.
- There is a five homie AI drive by which you can do, just get your can and drive by
i jeszcze mialiard opcji, biore to czlowieku jak wyjdzie od razu. obadaj trailer w movies, uaaa .