#link#2005.04.26 12:21:46>komentarz (5)
jestem chory i zalegam w domu, ale dobrze ze dorwalem poisonous poets - poisonous poetry mixtape vol.1

reveal to jest kot, w ogole z wywiadu z nimi przeprowadzonego 4 dni temu:

Reveal: The thing is you have to have this type of aggression. We need much more of this on the whole UK scene. Do you know why? Let’s not lie not everyone is going to be friends. We didn’t come in to make friends, it’s a very competitive thing and the way I feel personally is that the crew of people I rap with we’re ‘poisonous’. We didn’t call ourselves ‘the friends’. We are looking to poison people, people are lucky we didn’t call ourselves something worse.

HAHAHAH kot, w ogole rozglos zyskal rozsiekujac shabama sadeeqa na wolno, kot.

DIY (do it yourself)