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03:49 / 19.04.2002
komentarz (7)
boli mnie
popoludnie było takie spoko, a teraz przeczytałam notke tego chuja gupiego i myslenie wyszlo mi na wierzch, jeny ja naprawde nie wiem co sie dzieje, a on pierdoli cos tam famfaramfa
jestem powietrzem, gestym, goracym, duszno mi..

What's it gonna be
Cuz I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
Hold me tight and don't let go
Don't let go
Have the right to loose control
Don't let go

I often fantasize
The stars above are watching you
They know my heart and speak to yours
Like only lovers do
If I could wear your clothes
I'd pretend I was you and loose control