Wpis który komentujesz: | I\'m my mama boyfriend I\\\'m her little husband I was the man of the house when there wasn\'t Trying to get to know homie just kill the charm You ain\'t interested in me you just tryna fuck my mum We are the voices of our parents bad choices The aftermath of divorces The kids of bitter split ups, and baby sitters Grand parents that don\'t know what to do with us ta piosenka powinna byc hymnem mojego dziecinstwa hihi poza tym krakow jestesmy tu, nie przegapie kanyego drugi raz |
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makao | 2011.06.19 02:07:39 nie wiem jakie spoznienie ;) sinuhe | 2011.06.17 11:24:03 A i za spóźnienie przepraszam :)) |