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13:43 / 07.04.2010
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after that it got pretty late and we both had to go, but it was great seeing Annie again. i... i realized what a terrific person she was and... and how much fun it was just knowing her; and i... i, i thought of that old joke, y'know, the, this... this guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, "doc, uh, my brother's crazy; he thinks he's a chicken." and, uh, the doctor says, "well, why don't you turn him in?" the guy says, "i would, but i need the eggs." well, i guess that's pretty much now how i feel about relationships; y'know, they're totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd, and... but, uh, i guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us... need the eggs.